Federal and State Regulations and Resources
Arizona Department of Agriculture Protected Arizona Native Plants
Many species of native plants are protected by law and cannot be removed from state property (or property other than one’s own) without permission and a permit from the Department of Agriculture. This link provides more information about native plants protected by Arizona law.
Cooperative Extension
Cochise County Master Gardener Program
The Cochise County Master Gardeners support the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program by providing citizens with researched-based horticultural information appropriate for Cochise County environments about gardening, food production, landscaping, native and desert-adapted plants, wise water use, and environmental stewardship.
Weekly wave
The Weekly Wave e-News Digest is distributed each Friday, and features updates on the WRRC’s ongoing Brown Bag Seminar Series (informal water-focused presentations open to the public) as well as information on the WRRC Annual Conference. You’ll also find news on the WRRC’s many publications, programs, outreach efforts, and research projects, along with other water-related news and announcements.
Water Training
On-Line Watershed Training
(EPA’s Watershed Academy provides online training in Watershed Management and covers topics like watershed ecology, watershed change, management practices, and water law. Offers occasional webinars on topics such as agriculture, climate change, nutrient management, oceans and coastal waters, and more.) For anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of water-related topics, but especially for farmers, decision-makers, and anyone whose work may interact with the EPA.
WaterSense at Work
Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities: WaterSense has developed WaterSense at Work, a compilation of water-efficiency best management practices, to help commercial and institutional facility owners and managers understand and better manage their water use. WaterSense at Work is designed to provide guidance to help establish an effective facility water management program and identify projects and practices that can reduce facility water use.
Weather and Climate
Promotes public understanding of climate science and climate-related events, makes NOAA data products and services easy to access and use, provides climate-related support to the private sector and the Nation’s economy, and serves people making climate-related decisions with tools and resources that help them answer specific questions. In short, NOAA Climate.gov's mission is to provide science and information for a climate-smart nation.
Track rain
Local Natural Resource Conservation Organizations
Arizona chapter of The Nature Conservancy (State Action)
For more than 50 years, The Nature Conservancy in Arizona has partnered with communities, businesses, and state leadership to achieve conservation solutions that sustain Arizona’s freshwater, forests, grasslands, wildlife, and rich biodiversity. From the high mountain forests, down our flowing rivers, to our booming cities, we continue to innovate and address new challenges.
Sky Island Alliance (Local Org/Action)
At Sky Island Alliance we protect and restore the diversity of life and lands in the Sky Island region by connecting wildlife pathways, protecting critical water sources, and promoting public appreciation of the Madrean Sky Islands. We use science, education, and advocacy to connect the binational landscapes, people, and wildlife of the Sky Islands for the benefit of all.
The Upper San Pedro Partnership
A consortium of agencies and organizations working together to meet the long-term water needs of the Sierra Vista Subwatershed by achieving sustainable yield of the regional aquifer to: Preserve the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA); and Ensure the long-term viability of Fort Huachuca.
Off-Grid Living
Wells and Water Quality
Septic Care
Solar Energy
Fire Prevention
Fruit and Vegetable Gardening
Helpful Publications
The Cochise County Master Gardeners
Support the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program by providing citizens with researched-based horticultural information appropriate for Cochise County environments about gardening, food production, landscaping, native and desert-adapted plants, wise water use, and environmental stewardship.